Considering technic, style, aesthetic view and also subject, the following drawings are in different condition, because their aspects are different and in fact they have been created in different time and periods. I named this series ” Free style drawings” because the themes were not created for the purpose of creating a series, and if the number of works were increased, it was just due to the normal process of work. In such condition, it is possible to add the works of a theme without any certainty. This uncertainty, however, perpetuates the work through variations that make it possible to continue.
In this way, the present ideas in a range, moves in a float way and as a result, the theme change and the drawings is expanded and continued. Therefore, continuing variations, makes a subject back to the situation and a new style is created in the drawings.
Also the structural differences and present mentality in drawings, are sometimes too much that makes it difficult to have a good mental picture. Sometimes, they get approach to abstraction and sometimes to nature. Therefore, that process is totally based on my movement between reality to abstraction and vice-versa and shows my behavior during these years. The behavior that over the past three decades was always acted as a model in my paintings and drawings.